Sunday Special – Milford Sound, New Zealand

Various countries and destinations can conjure up a variety of images when we hear their name. They can range from cities filled with towering skyscrapers and urban romance, to meccas of mouth-watering foods options, to history and art full of awe and beauty. Others impress their natural beauty into our minds. New Zealand is one of those countries for me. The home of “Middle Earth”, rugged coastlines, cool glaciers, and beautiful mountains come to mind when I think of this island nation. I have not been yet but I certainly will make it there. 

Milford Sound is one of this country’s iconic natural beauties. Located on the southwest side of the South Island this fjord runs 16km / 9.94 miles from the Tasman Sea inland to the head of the fjord. Sheer rock faces and majestic mountains flank the fjord’s side and I imagine it forces you to look and ponder the wonder of nature.  Found within Fiordland National Park, Milford Sound is quite accessible. In fact it is very popular and often teeming with tourists. The area is also known to be one of the wettest places on the planet so do expect rain rather frequently. Due to its popularity there are many ways you can experience the awe. Take it in from the air with flights soaring above or from the water on frequent boat cruises. If you want to be a bit closer to nature then kayak along the waters or walk along the Milford Track, a 53 km / 33 mile long trail. Any way you see it, it seems to me that Milford Sound will amaze you with its beauty.

Milford Sound, New Zealand – Photo credit: MarosteguiMilford Sound (New Zealand) – 3CC BY-SA 3.0
Bowen Falls in Milford Sound, New Zealand – Photo credit: Bernard Spragg. NZ from Christchurch, New Zealand, Bowen Falls Milford Sound NZ. (10657996025)CC0 1.0
Hanging around in Milford Sound – Photo credit: Steve Collis from Melbourne, Australia, Milford Sound (5863219806)CC BY 2.0

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Hi, I’m Eeva and I’m in love with the world. Follow along as I share snippets of my wanderings, places I’m intrigued by, and a bit of the city I call home, Vancouver.